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World Environment Day

SRM Convent School, Pohir took ‘Save Environment’ pledge to mark ‘World Environment Day’

On June 4, 2021 SRM Convent School, Pohir celebrated World Environment Day in the school premises with full enthusiasm with the Management, Principal, Faculty and helping staff. The staff of SRM Convent School, Pohir planted saplings in the school premises.
The Staff of the school pledged to plant trees, avoid the use of plastic bags wherever possible, and follow the mantra of ‘Reduce, Reuse and Recycle’.
Chairman of the school Mr. Jawahar Lal Mittal said the present pandemic had made us realize the importance of oxygen. To fight global warming, it was important to plant more trees.
Principal Mrs. Sheenam Samuel said we should all act towards protecting the environment and focus on the need of conservation.